Sunday, February 22, 2015

Self Care

Mark 6: 31-32
Then He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a remote place and rest a while,” for many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. So they went into a remote place privately by boat. 
1. After their ministry tour the disciples were tired.
2. Jesus instructed them to find a place of rest.
3. They went to a remote place.
This passage emphasises the importance of self care.  The need for rest, time away from the crowds, and proper nutrition.  Our bodies are not made to go full steam ahead with no rest.  Lack of self care will affect every area of our lives: the physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, and relational.  
1. Get first class sleep.
2. Keep a sabbath
3. Proper nutrition
4. Exercise
5. Extravagant time with Jesus
6. Time away
You gave me this body, sometimes I want to trade it in, but I have to take care of the one you gave me.  I am not always good at this, enable me to honor you with my body.  Enable me to properly care for myself.

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