Saturday, September 21, 2013


Is it bad to want the day to end before it starts?  I woke up this morning with a dread.  Don't want to go to prayer,  don't want to go to school, just want the day to end.  I dread the day.  It is time like these I go to the Bible.  My daily reading has been the one steady discipline of my life.  Today I read that everything else will pass away but God's word will stand and endure forever.  The Word of God is my rock.  It is my anchor in hethe midst of storms.  It is my fortress and hiding place.  I find safety and security there.  I go to the rock.  Friday morning the pastor preached out of Psalm 43.  The Psalmist ask why God cast him off.  Why is he oppressed.  Then he ask God to send his light and truth to lead him to 
1. The mountain of God.
2. His tabernacle
3. The Altar
There God will become his exceeding joy.
I desire for Jesus to become my joy and delight not other people, things, or circumstances.
Father do that in me.  Send your light and truth.  Bring me to your mountain, your tabernacle, and your altar.  May I experience you there.

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