“One who speaks in a tongue edifies himself; but one who prophesies edifies the church.” 1 Corinthians 14:4 NASB
Praying in the Spirit has the same effect on your spiritual man as lifting weights has on your physical man. It makes you stronger. You are empowered t:o
A. resist the deviL
Paul instructs us to stand firm in the power of His might. Praying in the Spirit enables you to accomplish this. If edifices you spiritually, giving you supernatural ability to stand against the devil’s schemes.
B. to live victoriously
The Holy Spirit empowers you to be (Acts 1:8). As you pray in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit is producing and developing his character in you. You are becoming more loving, will experience peace with God and the peace of God, will be filled with joy, etc.
C. to minister effectively.
The Holy Spirit empowers you to be his witnesses (Acts 1:8). You are unable to persuade persons to become a believer, it takes the work of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit convicts of sin, draws people to Christ, and accomplishes the work of salvation. These are things that you are unable to do on your own. You are dependent on the Holy Spirit. Praying in the Spirit flows out of a humility. You recognize your dependence on Him, so you spend time, allowing the Spirit to pray through you.
2. You strengthen your faith
“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,”. Jude 1:20 NASB
God has given each of us a measure of faith but did you know your faith can grow. One of the ways your faith can increase is by praying in the spirit. Not only does it edify you but it increases your faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Without faith you will receive answers to prayer. Without faith you will not fulfill the calling, God has places on your life. You need to increase your faith to live from glory to glory. Praying in the Spirit builds yourself up on your most holy faith. As you pray in the spirit the Holy Spirit will build your faith. You will live a more God pleasing life, you will receive answers to prayer, and you will realize those dreams God has deposited in your heart.
3. You open yourself up to receiving supernatural revelation
“that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.” Ephesians 1:17 NASB
“For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit;” 1 Corinthians 12:8 NASB
Praying in the spirit opens you up to receiving supernatural revelation. Notice in Ephesians 1:17, it says the spirit of wisdom and of revelation. In 1 Corinthians 12 it says the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge through the spirit. Praying in the spirit gives the Holy Spirit an opportunity to impart revelation, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment into your heart. Praying in the spirit is one of the most practical things you can do. The Holy Spirit can reveal to you:
A. the causes of problems and how to solve them.
As you pray in the spirit God will pull back the veil from your spiritual eyes and reveal to you the root causes of your problems. You will face issues that will beyond your intellect and your training. The root cause of your difficulties will be hidden from you and you will spend time dealing `
B. Dreams and visions
C. Understanding of how to effectively minister to another person
D. Discernment in which direction to go or in what decision to make
4. You partner with the Holy Spirit in effective intercession
“In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” Romans 8:26-27 NASB
The Holy Spirit knows exactly what our loved ones needs. I know many times as a parent my children face issues where I do not know what is best for them. I do not even know how to pray for them but the Holy Spirit does. There are times when I will simply pray Father I do not know what is best for my child. I do not even know how to pray for them but I ask that right now the Holy Spirit will begin to pray through me the your will for my child.
Or I may pray, Father I am facing a circumstance and I do not know how to solve it. I do not know which way I should go but I ask that your Holy Spirit will pray through me according to your will
Do you know the exciting thing about this? I John 5 promises us that if we ask anything according to the will of God, we can be confident that we will receive it. Praying in the Spirit enables you to partner with God in effective intercession.
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