Friday, August 7, 2015

God directs your steps

August 6, 2015
Proverbs 20:24
The LORD directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way? (NLT)
Man’s goings are of the Lord; how can a man then understand his own way? 
1. God directs my steps, my goings are of the Lord
A.  God is sovereign
a person who has supreme power or authority.
B. This is comforting
I am not in control, God is.
He will get me exactly where I need to be when I need to be there.
3. It is faith building
I trust God.  I can take risks, not fear mistakes, go for it
4. It takes the pressure off
I don't have to figure everything out or have all the answers
5.  It is liberating
I am free of the demands and expectations of others
1. Trust that God brought me here for this time and in this ministry.  Believe that I am in the center of the will of God.  
2. Don't try to figure everything out.
Don't worry about who holds what position, what others are thinking about me, what is going to happen
3. Find fulfillment in what I am presently doing.
Don't look into the past, don't try to figure out the future, live in the moment.
4. Learn, grow in my professional development.
God has placed me here right now in member care. It is not leadership but it is a field.  Become an expert in my field.
5. Do it with all my heart.
Work hard, passionately, diligently
6.  I can even trust God with my purity.
Question: is this my place?  Am I going to do this for the rest of my life?  Truth is I don't know, can't know.  God directs my steps, I cannot understand my own way.  So live in the present.  Take steps towards what I am doing now. Don't hesitate because of what might or might not happen.  
What do I do?  For now?

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