Friday, April 17, 2015

Battling depression

April 17, 2015
Psalm 86:4
Gladden the soul of Your servant, for to You, O Lord, I lift my soul. 
The word gladden could also be translated bring joy or rejoice.  David was battling depression.  His soul was downcast, he was discouraged.  I'm glad David was couragious enough to be honest. Many people will never acknowledge they are battling depression because they are afraid they will be criticized for not having faith or that they are weak.  David would only ask God to gladden the soul unless he was not glad, happy, or full of joy.
1. Be honest with God, he already knows the truth anyway.
Don't be shy in telling God what is going on inside of you.
2. Don't be quick to criticize others.
You have not walked in their shoes, you don't understand.
3. Trust God with every situation you face.
David went to God with his depression.  He found healing and deliverance.  God is able to heal broken bodies and spirits.  He is all powerful.  He operates in the super natural.
I pray for those who are fighting with depression and other illnesses we do not fully understand.  I ask for their healing.  I also ask that they will find a loving community in the body of Christ.

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