Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The power of his presence

Luke 24:28-32
They drew near the village where they were traveling, and He seemed to be going farther. But they urged Him, saying, “Stay with us. For it is nearly evening and the day is far spent.” So He went in to stay with them. As He sat at supper with them, He took the bread, blessed it and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him. And He vanished out of their sight. They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the way and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” (MEV)
1. Jesus acted if he was going to leave them,  to be going farther.
The Bible teaches us to seek Jesus.  Jesus desires for us to pursue him.
2. They urged Jesus to stay with them.
They had a desire to be in his presence.
3. Jesus revealed himself to them.
When we pursue Jesus, he will be found by you.
4. Their hearts burned inside of them.
1. Pursue, seek after Jesus, with all my heart.
Worship and prayer is the act of pursuing Jesus.
2. Jesus will allow me to catch him.
He wants to be caught by me.  
3. Revelation happens in his presence.
4. His presence will change and transform me.
I desire you, seek and pursue you.  I need you, slow down so I can catch you.  Give me revelation, wisdom, and understanding. May I burn inside to know you.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

He is risen!

Luke 24:5-7
The women were terrified and bowed with their faces to the ground. Then the men asked, “Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Remember what he told you back in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and that he would rise again on the third day.” (NLT)
The resurrection is the foundation of the Christian faith.  The apostle Paul said it best that if there is no resurrection Christians are the worst fools of the universe.  The only reason to follow Jesus is if he is the Son of God and Jesus can only be the Son of God if he rose from the dead, if not then he was only another human being.  
The good news is he did.  He is alive.  He is the Son of God.  He is your savior, healer, sanctifyer, and soon coming king.  He is worth it all, he can do it all, he is your all in all.
1. Worship him
He is worthy of all glory, honor, and praise.
2. Be loyal to him
He deserves your 100% commitment.  Give him all your heart not just part of it.
3. Be in awe of him
Think about it, if Jesus arose from the grave, then he is awesome and terrifying.  He deserves your respect and awe.  You fear him because in a sense he is terrifying.
4. Be devoted to him
You will also be consumed with gratitude, devotion, thanksgiving, and love.
He defeated death, the grave, sin, sickness, and the devil and all his demons.
5. Serve him well
Live for His glory and the advancement of his kingdom.
I love you and believe in you.  You are the risen Christ!  You are victorious and glorious.  I give you all my heart, mind, soul, and strength.  I live for you and you alone.  You are my Lord and my God!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Why does God put you in impossible situations?

April 27, 2015
Joshua 2: 2, 4, 7
The LORD said to Gideon, “You have too many warriors with you. If I let all of you fight the Midianites, the Israelites will boast to me that they saved themselves by their own strength.

But the LORD told Gideon, “There are still too many! Bring them down to the spring, and I will test them to determine who will go with you and who will not.”

The LORD told Gideon, “With these 300 men I will rescue you and give you victory over the Midianites. Send all the others home.” (NLT)
It all about the glory of God.  God reduced Gideon's army becauses they will boast, they will take the glory for the victory.  God reduced the army to such a low level that when they won the victory only God could get the credit.
I take the glory, the credit, when I claim it was because of my faith, my good works, my giving, ect.  Everything I receive from God is an act of grace, it is a blessing I do not deserve.  I cannot take credit for anything, in fact, I deserve nothing.  
1. Be a worshipper
Give God the glory he deserves. He is worthy of all praise, glory, and honor.
2. Be humble.
God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.  
3. Live by faith
When God reduced Gideon's army, he had to act in faith.  He was vastly outnumbered.  
God will put us in impossible situations to demonstrate his glory to a lost world.  They will see the undeniable evidence that God is real, all powerful, and active in our world.
Father, I humble myself before you todayI acknowledge my need of you.  I ask that you demonstrate your glory in my life to a lost world.  I will give you all the praise, glory, and honor.  The world will come to know you as who you are.  The end goal is the glory of God.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Should you dig a well?

Psalm 96:3
Proclaim His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. (MEV)
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. (NIV)
1. We are to be about proclamation.
2. What do we proclaim?  We proclaim his wonders, marvelous deeds.
Everyone has a testimony about what God has done in their life.  We proclaim his goodness to us.  We tell others what Jesus has done for us.
3. To whom do we proclaim? To every people group and nation.
1. Good works are good but they should never replace witness.
It is wonderful to dig a well but it is more wonderful to proclaim Jesus.  
2. To meet physical needs without addressing spiritual need is cruel.
To feed the hungry, provide shelter for the homeless but allow them to spend eternity in hell is not compassion.  
3. A person's greatness need is to know Jesus and the churches purpose is to make disciples.
We are to do into all the world proclaiming Jesus, making disciples, planting the church.
4. Meeting physical needs is a great means to meeting  spiritual needs.
We are for digging wells, and feeding the hungry, and providing shelter.  Those are good and Biblical.  We just use those as a means to share Jesus with them.  
Give me a heart of compassion. May I give to the poor, widows, and orphans but most of all may I proclaim Jesus.  May I tell of his marvellous deeds and wonderful works.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Your safe place

April 25, 2015
Psalm 94:22
But the Lord is my fortress; my God is the mighty rock where I hide.
But the LORD has become my  stronghold,  and my God the rock of my refuge.
1. God is my fortress, my stronghold.
A. Fortress- a large fortified place; a fort or group of forts, often including a town; citadel.
any place of exceptional security; stronghold.
B. Stronghold- a well-fortified place; fortress.
God is my security.  I find my safety in him.
2. God is my refuge.
A. Refuge- shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.: to take refuge from a storm.
a place of shelter, protection, or safety.
Jesus is my safe place, when I am scared, in trouble, or experiencing danger, I can run to Him.  I do not have to be overcome with fear, worry, and anxiety.  Jesus is my protection, my defender, my guard.  My security is in my relationship with God so I will not fear man or what man can do to me.  They may kill my body but my spirit will go to heaven.  In the end, I am safe in his arms.
May I not be overcome by fear and worry.  May I not live a timid safe life.  May I find courage in my relationship with you.  May I come to you with my fears, worries, and cares because you care for me.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Do you have a testimony or a history lesson?

Joshua 24:31
The people of Israel served the LORD throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him—those who had personally experienced all that the LORD had done for Israel. 
1. The Israelites served the Lord as long as Joshua was their leader.
2. The Israelites served the Lord as long as those who personally experienced all the Lord had done were alive.
3. The book of Judges records that when Joshua and the elders died, Israel turned away from God.
1. Never underestimate the power of Godly leadership.
Joshua and the elders influenced the people towards God.  The led them into righteousness.  Leaders have great influence on people.
2. Never underestimate the power of personal experience.
It is hard to live what you have not experienced.  To be told about the power of God in the past is not the same as living it in the present.  Head knowledge does not inspire a vision for the future.  Personal experience empowers people to lead others to experience the same.  When one person has an encounter with God, he can communicate it to another.  He is not giving a history lesson but a testimony.
We are in the need of testimonies today.  We need people who have encountered the power of God in their life to influence this generation.  I am am afraid that we are relying on what God did yesterday and not experiencing God for ourselves today.
I do not point my finger at others, I ask for a fresh filling of your Holy Spirit in my life today.  I cannot live on yesterday's manna, I need a fresh encounter with you today. Fill me afresh and anew.  May I have a testimony not a history lesson.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

God will keep his promise to you

Joshua 23:14
“Now, I am going the way of all the earth. You know in all your hearts and souls that not a single word has failed out of all the good things that the Lord your God has said concerning you. All came true for you. Not a single word among them failed. 
This verse is a great testimony of the faithfulness of God.
1. God kept his promise.
Joshua testified that not a single word has failed.
2. God's promises will come true.
You can act and rest on His promises.  He is faithful, his yes is a yes.  
1. Know the promises of God.
I cannot claim a promise I do not know.
2. Act on His promises.
Faith is a verb, it demands action on our part.  If I believe God's promises, I will act upon them.  The Israelties had to take the promise land.  God promised to give it to them but it came through war.  This is a picture for us.  God will keep his promises but we have to go to war.  Courage is not the absence of fear but it is feeling the fear and acting anyway. The victory is sure if we act in faith and courage.
3. Rest in His promises.
This may sound contradictory but we have to act and rest.  Faith will overcome worry, anxiety, and fear.  I can rest in his promises because I trust in his character.  I will not be overcome by fear and worry.  
Thank you for this great testimony, it builds my faith.  Just as you were faithful to Joshua, you will be faithful to me.  I can act on your promises and I can rest in your character.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Is strategic planning Biblical?

Proverbs13: 16
Wise people think before they act; fools don’t—and even brag about their foolishness. 
My life verse is Ephesians 5:15-17.  It teaches me not to be foolish or to be without thought.  Foolish people do not think beforehand.  They put no thought into their lives, their day, or their future.  They are fools because they do not think ahead.  Wise people think before they act.  They make good sense.  I am a follower of Christ and am spirit filled, led, and empowered.  The Holy Spirit is my guide but he can use my brain.  The Bible teaches and God expects me to think, plan, and prepare.  Preparation is not unspiritual, in fact, lack of preparation is foolish.  Some people brag about only being spirit led with no forethought.  They are against planning a service or having a strategic plan for their church.  They Bible calls this foolishness.  
1. Think before I act.
2. Have a vision, set goals, plan, and execute.
The Bible endorses wise planning.
3. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, his open doors, and divine interruptions.
The Bible also teaches me to be led by the Spirit.
4. Expect the miraculous.
Most of the miraculous moments in Jesus' life were interruptions.  They were not written in his calendar.
Being wise and being spirit led is one of those both/and lessons.  It is not either/or. Either be wise or be spirit led. It is both/and.  Be wise, prepared, put thought into my life & day and be led by the Holy Spirit.
Father, enable me to find the right balance. May I be wise and not foolish.  The Bible teaches me to put thought into my life and day.  I also desire to be led by your spirit, to go through the doors you open, and to be receptive to divine interruptions.  I need your help and guidance on this one.  

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Leaders eat last

Joshua 19: 49
After all the land was divided among the tribes, the Israelites gave a piece of land to Joshua as his allocation. 
Leaders eat last.  Many people desire to become a leader for the power, perks, and privileges but Joshua was different.  When allocating the promise land to the Israelite, he was the last person to receive his land.  He ate last. Jesus taught upside down leadership.  The first shall be last and the last shall be first.  Whoever tries to save his life for his sake will lose it but he who loses his life for the sake of Christ will find it.  Jesus did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom.  Jesus never looked for leaders, he searched for servants.  He is Lord of a kingdom and we are his subjects.  Spiritual leadership is not about titles, perks, power, or privileges.  It is all about dying to self, servanthood, becoming small so others can become large.
1. Eat last
2. Never pursue titles or position
3. Serve others, die to self, be willing to be last
4. Promote others above yourself and never promote yourself
5. put the interest of others above your self interest.
6. Submit to my leadership but never demand others to submit to me.  
As soon as I have to declare I am in charge, I am no longer the leader.
Father forgive me for the times I made it about me.  This is so easy to write and say and so hard to live.  Everything in my flesh screams against this.  I like the perks.  I like recognition and feeling important.  May I be like Jesus, may I humble myself.   May I be a servant, may I become small so that others can become large.  May it all be for your glory.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

How to become wealthy

Proverbs 13:11
Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time. 
How does a person become wealthy? The answer is thru hard work.  The easy way or the easy road never leads to success.  Successful people do what others are unwilling to do.  They get up early, prepare, work hard, and make sacrifices.  There are no get-rich- quick schemes.  This is true for our finances but it is also true in every area of our lives.  Successful relationships are hard work, successful ministries or careers takes hard work.  You will reap what you sow.  
1. get up early
2. Plan your day
3. Work your plan
4. Be diligent and persistent
5. Be the turtle not the rabbit.
Slow steady daily progress is the key.
6. Take calculated risks
7. Have faith
8. Work hard
Father, my human nature wants easy quick success.  It does not want to work hard, get up early, or be diligent.  My flesh desires the easy wide road. But the narrow road leads to lasting success.  May I choice it, walk on it, travel down your road.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Battling depression

April 17, 2015
Psalm 86:4
Gladden the soul of Your servant, for to You, O Lord, I lift my soul. 
The word gladden could also be translated bring joy or rejoice.  David was battling depression.  His soul was downcast, he was discouraged.  I'm glad David was couragious enough to be honest. Many people will never acknowledge they are battling depression because they are afraid they will be criticized for not having faith or that they are weak.  David would only ask God to gladden the soul unless he was not glad, happy, or full of joy.
1. Be honest with God, he already knows the truth anyway.
Don't be shy in telling God what is going on inside of you.
2. Don't be quick to criticize others.
You have not walked in their shoes, you don't understand.
3. Trust God with every situation you face.
David went to God with his depression.  He found healing and deliverance.  God is able to heal broken bodies and spirits.  He is all powerful.  He operates in the super natural.
I pray for those who are fighting with depression and other illnesses we do not fully understand.  I ask for their healing.  I also ask that they will find a loving community in the body of Christ.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Your God is big hearted

Luke 18: 1-8
He told them a parable to illustrate that it is necessary always to pray and not lose heart. He said: “In a city there was a judge who did not fear God or regard man. And a widow was in that city. She came to him, saying, ‘Avenge me against my adversary.’ “He would not for a while. Yet afterward he said to himself, ‘Though I do not fear God or respect man, yet because this widow troubles me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she will weary me.’ ” And the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge says. And shall not God avenge His own elect and be patient with them, who cry day and night to Him? I tell you, He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” 
This is a teaching on faith.  Faith is praying and not giving up.  Faiths persists  in believing while the answer is delayed.  Faith is trusting God's character even when your circumstances are bad.
1. We are to pray and not lose heart.
Don't give up.  Keep believing.
2. If the unjust judge responded to the women's persistence how much more will our just God respond to our prayers!
3. Prayer is not trying to convince God to act but it is acting on God's promises.
God is not reluctant to answer your prayer.  He is a loving, generous, big hearted God.
4. Prayer is described as a crying out day and night.
This phrase emphasizes intensity, passion, persistence, and desperation.
1. Pray with passion, heart, and a sense of desperation.
2. Be persistent in your asking.
Don't give up or give in.  Don't lose heart.
3. Trust God to keep his word.
He is just, caring, and loving.  God is love, His will is always best.
I have prayed the desires of my heart this morning.  I believe you will keep your promises to me.  I rest in your character.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The pathway to blessing

Joshua 11:15
As the Lord commanded Moses His servant, so Moses commanded Joshua, and Joshua did it. He did not ignore a word of all that the Lord commanded Moses. 
Obedience is the path to blessing. Joshua did everything God commanded him to do and he obtained his promise.  He conquered his enemies.  He lived in the promise land.  
1. God's commands to Joshua came through Moses.
God uses people in authority to speak into our lives.
2. Joshua did not ignore a word.
He did not obey the commands he liked and ignored the ones he didn't.  He obeyed them all.  We live in a culture that likes to pick and choose which commands of God we obey.
3. Blessing comes through obedience.
I obtain my promises by obeying God's word.  The pathway of disobedient never leads to God's blessing.  Sin is fun for a season but it is short term pleasure at the expense of long term gain.
1. Be submissive to the spiritual leaders God has given me.
2. Obey all of God's word, the parts I like and the parts I don't.
3. Never expect God to bless my rebellion.
4. Walk the narrow road that leads to life.
Your word is clear, I do not have to wonder about what you expect from me.  I choose today to follow you, you are my master and I am your servant.  I desire to be a faithful and fruitful servant.  I desire to obey all your commands because I know they lead to life.

Monday, April 13, 2015

How to make a wise decision

Joshua 9:14
So the Israelites examined their food, but they did not consult the LORD. 
Human wisdom alone can lead you to bad decisions.  The Israelites used human wisdom, the examined their food, but they failed to consult God.  The end result was they made a peace treaty with a nation God forbade, they lost credibility with their own people,  (Joshua 9:15, 18) and it eventually led to an unnecessary war (Joshua10:7).
1. Use my brain.
God did give me a brain to think with and life experiences to develop wisdom.  When I make decisions, I should think, get wise counsel, and seek wisdom and understanding.
2. Consult with God
In addition to my own personal wisdom and the collective wisdom of others, I should pray, ask God to reveal his will, seek His wisdom, submit myself to His authority.  God is all-knowing, His direction is always right.
3. In the end choose God's ways.
His ways are higher than my ways, his thoughts are higher than my thoughts, his purposes are higher than my purposes.  In the Bible, God at times, asked people to do strange things. For example marching around the walls of Jericho seven times. That was not a good human military strategy, but it worked.  God's ways will always produce God's results.
4. It is for His glory.
When I do God's will, His way, He will receive all the glory.  That is the end we all desire, the glory of the Lord.
Reveal your will to me and give me the faith and courage to obey it.  May your glory be my highest priority.  I consult with you, show me the way.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Your one thing

Luke 10:38-11:1; 8-10
42 There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” 11: 1 Once Jesus was in a certain place praying. As he finished, one of his disciples came to him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”
8 But I tell you this— though he won’t do it for friendship’s sake, if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you whatever you need because of your shameless persistence. [*] 9 “And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.
1. We need to remember that chapter and verse numbers were put into the Bible after it was written.  They are a great tool that enables us to navigate and study the Bible better but sometimes they break the flow of thought.  I believe the break between chapters 10 & 11 is one of those times.  
At the end of chapter 10 we see Jesus visiting with Mary and Martha and Jesus said that Mary's one thing would not be taken from her.  Then in chapter 11 we have the teaching of Jesus on prayer, which includes the Lord's Prayer, teaching on persistence and ask and keep on asking.  This one train of thought.
2. What is my point?  My one thing, your one thing is abiding, to sit at Jesus feet, to pray, study His Word, to persist in our asking.  
3. Tomorrow is Easter when we celebrate the risen savior.  He is alive which means he is available.  You can talk to him, share your dreams and fears with him, and ask him to meet your needs.  He is there, with you, right now.
1. Set a time
In order for me to spend time with Jesus daily, it had to be in my schedule.  It is a priority so I put it in my calendar.
2. Have a place
Have a holy place that is designated just to sit at his feet, to be in his presence.  I have a sofa that the only time I sit in it is to be with Jesus.  It is a sacred place for me because God meets me there.
3. Have a plan
I believe in a having a prayer list.  If I do not write down the names and of others, I will forget.  I also want to keep my promise when I tell people I will pray for them.
4. Set a reminder.
Abiding includes a block of time each day but it should be more than that.  It is being connected to Jesus throughout the day, all day.  I get busy, distracted, and my personality is task oriented.  For me to stay connected to Jesus throughout the day I set the alarm on my phone.  When it goes off I silently pray a sentence prayer.   I do not draw attention to myself or disrupt meetings, but I silently quiet my heart and mind and reconnect to my source.
Jesus, you are my one thing. You are the most important being in my life.  You are my everything. Do not allow me to get distracted from you but may I be connected to you all day. I need you and love you.

Friday, April 3, 2015

How do I best help the poor?

Luke 10:33-35
“Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt compassion for him. 34 Going over to him, the Samaritan soothed his wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them. Then he put the man on his own donkey and took him to an inn, where he took care of him. 35 The next day he handed the innkeeper two silver coins, [*] telling him, ‘Take care of this man. If his bill runs higher than this, I’ll pay you the next time I’m here.’
The Samaritan was a good neighbor because he displayed compassion and mercy.  Also noticed he had the tools to help:
1. Olive oil, wine, and bandages.
2. A donkey to carry him on.
3. Money to pay the inn keeper.
It took more than a good heart, he had the sustenance to help.  It takes more than good intentions, to truly help, you need practical tools.
1. Keep a heart that is sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and senstive to the needs of others. 
2.  Be a good steward of my resources so I am in a position to help others.
3. Be generous. I cannot out give God. He will get it to me if he can get it through me.
4.  Offer the poor practical tools not just a hand out.  Teach them to fish, have a vision of transforming generations.
Father do not allow me to become cynical and hard hearted.  May my heart be generous and sensitive to the needs of others.  Enable me to steward my resources well.  Give me wisdom to know how to best help others.  Transform generations.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Christianity at the workplace

Proverbs 12:11
11 A hard worker has plenty of food, but a person who chases fantasies has no sense.
Success or fruitfulness takes hard work.  The Bible teaches that followers of Jesus is to have a good worth ethic.  A hard worker will have plenty but he who chases fantasies will experience lack.  
1. Christians should be the best workers in the workplace.
2. Christians should have the highest ethics.
3. Christians should be a witness is word and deed in the workplace.
4. Christians should never be lazy.
5. Christians should honor their employers.
My faith is not just private or to be displayed at the church.  My faith must be demonstrate in the marketplace.  A person of character and integrity will shine like stars in the heavens.  We will draw people to Christ by demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit to our co-workers.  We also proclaim with our mouths,  no position or salary package should silence us.  Jesus said if we are are ashamed of him on the earth, he will be ashame of us in heaven.  Followers of Jesus ought to be willing to suffer for the cause of Christ.
Make me a man of character and integrity.  May I be a good example by my work ethic and give me a boldness and courage to always proclaim.