Luke 2: 40, 52
There the child grew up healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him.
Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.
The four areas of growth for children. Jesus grew
1. Physically
Jesus grew strong and healthy
2. Mentally
He grew in wisdom, was educated
3. Spiritually
Jesus grew in favor with God. You can grow in favor,
4. Relationally
Jesus grew in favor with men. He learned people skills.
Jesus was both fully God and fully man. That is difficult to understand but it is true. Even though Jesus was deity, as a child, he had to grow. He went to school, was physically active, participated in religious worship, and learned how to deal with people. These are areas that everyone needs to grow in. I must continually be developing my skills in these areas and I need to teach others as well. Luke 2:52 is a verse I pray over my grandchildren. I desire for my grandkids to be balanced and fully developed in all four areas.
I pray for Ryder, Jase, and Gabe. May they grow physically, spiritually, mentally, and relationally.
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