Psalm 73:28
28 But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign LORD my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.
The context of this Psalm is the writer struggled with "why do the wicked prosper". He was trying to live a godly life but his life was a struggle. He looked at the ungodly and their lives seemed on the outside to be wonderful and worry free. He believed that his effort was worthless. Then he went into the sanctuary and saw life from God's perspective. He ended the Psalm with this verse. "As for me...."
1. It is good to be near God.
My life is nothing with out the presence of God. No amount of worldly riches can replace being near to my Father.
2. God is my shelter.
I will experience difficulties in life and at times may suffer but God is my shelter, my refuge, my hiding place. I find my indentity and security in him not in my accomplishments or possessions.
3. I will proclaim.
I will tell everyone of his wonderful deeds. I will not be silent God is good all the time. He has done great things for me and I will tell others of them.
1. Do not let the prosperity of the wicked to cause me to doubt God's faithfulness.
God is faithful. He will keep his word, all of his promises are yes and amen.
2. Pursue God's presence.
That is where joy and contentment are found. Being with Jesus makes persecution, suffering, and sacrifice worth it.
3. When I struggle run to Jesus, not away from him.
He is my shelter. He is my safe place.
4. Be a witness.
Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers about Jesus. Be prepared to give an answer for the hope that you have.
Thank you that you are there for me when I have questions, am struggling, or don't see life correctly. You are not threatened by my questions, you are not insecure, but you are my loving Father that gently corrects me. You enable me to have the right perspective on life and on you.