Leviticus 16:34
This shall be a perpetual statute for you to make atonement for the children of Israel for all their sins once a year. And Moses did as the Lord commanded him.
The most important thing about the law is Moses obeyed. To be given the law but to reject it and rebel against it is worse than not having the law. Moses did as God commanded him. The road of obedience leads to blessing and the road of disobedience leads to destruction.
1. What commands from God am I not obeying?
2. What commands am I partially obeying?
3. How am I excusing my disobedience?
4. Am I critical and judgmental of others when I a living in disobedience myself.?
Father, I want to be like Moses. I want to be a man that obeys, that hears your voice, reads your word, and does, acts. Give me the faith and courage to obey you.
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